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When I first heard that this was the book I was to read for book club, I was very apprehensive. You see, this is not a book that I would have picked to read on my own.
I could not find it at any of the local stores... they couldn't keep their hands on it long enough. I bought it in a neighboring city, very weary just by the size alone, if I would even be able to finish it by the deadline. I calculated how many chapters I would have to pull teeth to get through each day, and finally bit the bullet, and sunk my teeth in.
Now, I was going into this with very low expectations, I read the first chapter. Ok, so far so good, then I went on reading the second.... by the time I put the book down for the night, I had already devoured
five chapters...
I found myself enjoying this book greatly. I started on a Monday and was done, sad to see the story end, all by Friday, just five short days. I kid you not! After my first day of reading, I told my beloved husband that he needed to read it when I was done. Half way through the book, I told everyone I knew that they had to read this book. Oh YES, it is that GOOD!
I never really paid any attention in history while learning about WWII. Unbroken gave me the opportunity to see just a portion of what it was like and gave me a quick history lesson. I enjoyed how Heavenly Father made sure that Louie survived, He had a plan for him. Now, I am ashamed to say this, but, I was mad at the Japanese for some of the things that were done to our POW's, but in the end, forgave because it is what 'had' to be done. In a sense, Louie himself, showed me how to forgive and to love them once again.
There are some parts that I wish I hadn't read, but, none that take away from the journey that Louis had to endure. Oh, how brave he was, to have such a will to survive. I think that his childhood gave him the strength and knowledge he needed to survive, to endure. To be consumed by such hatred, vile, then turn around and forgive, that taught me a great lesson in turning the other cheek.
There is so much that I want to say, but am afraid too, for the risk of spoiling. This is a book that I am going to be keeping on my shelf, and one day, even read again.
I was amazed! I loved the way that Ms. Hillenbrand wrote. I felt like I was right there with Louie, going through his journey right next to his side.
This is a great true story about Louis Zamperini, a prisoner of War during WWII.
Here are some Interviews that Louis has done.
Louis Zamperini story 1 of 4
Louis Zamperini story 2 of 4
Louis Zamperini story 3 of 4
Louis Zamperini story 4 of 4
Laura Hillenbrand is also the author of
Seabiscuit: An American Legend